Monday, January 22, 2007

Monday, January 15, 2007

"Wrongful death, schmongful death"

This is why I shouldn't work on mock trial at 2 am.

Anyway, while I was typing up my direct questions for one of the witnesses, I realized something. Almost no one fits neatly into one clique. Here I was in my Active Endeavors T-shirt with my running shoes listening to the soundtrack from the spring mime show and reading a bunch of legal jargon. It made me chuckle to myself.

I'm a mock trial / running / out door's club / drama / NRA type.

I know a radio / drama / film type guy and a band / flogging molly / harry potter type girl. We hang out with tennis / ex-debater / hawkeye guy and sometimes we watch movies / eat Mexican food / drive around.

You get the idea.

The more I thought about it, the more I came to think that a lot of "jerks", "nerds", and "weirdos" often only have one type going for them. Like football guy or science girl.

Now I'm not claiming there aren't well rounded ass holes in the world (excuse the pun). In fact, I'm positive there are. I'm also not trying to put forth a brilliant theory. I think we've all noticed this phenomenon in our lives, especially in high school. But for some reason, the idea just became more concrete for me this morning.

Happy MLK day.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Monday, January 01, 2007

"Ewww, improvements"

Some highlights from my '07 resolutions

1. Meditate daily

3. Take Ukulele lessons

4. Stop biting my fucking nails

5. Swear less

8. Always have a mime skit worth sharing on Sundays (no boom check mates)

11. Snowboard on something bigger than my driveway.

14. Buy the complete works of William Shakespeare

14.1 Read it and live to tell the tale...or at least quote it

15. Design a "Billy Shakes is my Homeboy" T-shirt on

**Edit: I finished part of number 14 at Borders today with the help of two gift cards, my grandma money, and my aunt donna money. I'm currently on page 12 of 1,751.

And there you have it. I'm completely and utterly resolved to follow this list. Or at least, I was when I wrote it.

Happy New Year everybody.