Saturday, April 10, 2004

I'm (barely) alive! The last two weeks have been insane. On days I didn't have soccer practice for 2 hours, I had track. When I didn't have a track meet, I had a soccer game. Between algebra homwork and english projects, I have had almost no social life (this includes blogging). So here are some highlights.

-Spring break was awesome
-Got terrible google tan from skiing
-Finished long term english assignment on time (with 5 minutes to spare)
-Joined track team, had two meets. Jumped 12 feet at long jump last time.
-Not bad at distance running, painfully bad at 400m
-Played first three soccer games of spring season. Won 2, tied 1, lost 1/2 (we played really bad the first game)

So...yeah. There you have it. I'm sure lots of interesting little things have happened, but I'm to lazy to type them all here. Good day.

Oh and by the way, I apologize for Yes' anticts (although he really does have trouble counting).

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