Friday, July 28, 2006

"One day I'm gonna marry a Frosty Malt"

I went to a baseball game tonight and saw a bat fly. Not those small, winged things, but rather those large, aluminum things. The crowd's reaction was brilliant, though. We tried to stop the bat with Telekinesis and ancient chants - which sounded a lot like "ooh uuh ahh ouah owwah!". The bat didn't speak our language, though. Ironically, the only man injured was the batter's father.

Anyway, Valley beat Mason City 10-0 in the semis and moves on to play Cedar Rapids Kennedy in the finals tomorrow night (8:00 pm @ Sec Taylor)


junebug said...

Sorry about that. I had "htpp" instead of "http" in my template.

Let me tell ya, I had to stare at that url a looong time to figure it out.

Thomas Matysik said...

This word verification thing is getting old. Though occasionally, it does prompt me to write some funny words. Like "bowwy".

junebug said...

Word verification = annoying

Advertisers ignoring the purpose, exploiting the lack of security, and abusing the freedom of this space = infuriating

Think of words like "yrupiv" and "feaxmn" as our way of sticking it to the man.