Sunday, August 06, 2006


Thomas Matysik said...

Amen. Nice advertising.

junebug said...

It just hit me today how close the show is. I guess we'd better start doing stuff...or think about doing stuff...or try to consider thinking about..hey something shiney!

Pichler said...

That's the date of the fall nite?

junebug said...

you betcha

Yes said...

That is quite a pretty mime. A pretty, half-faced, one eyed mime. Perchance, they are peaking around a corner. Perchance this picture is a metaphor/play on words implying "Look! The mime show is just around the corner!". I understand. I understand, indeed.

Pichler said...

Thank you ever so much. BTW nice picture. Very moving in a black and white sort of way.

junebug said...

thanks. If only my own mime white weren't always messed up (damn the eyeliner! it's so tricky...)