Wednesday, August 02, 2006


The wisdom teeth came out yesterday. After the laughing gas, the nova cane, and whatever the hell they put in the IV, I was miles away. At first, the gas didn't do anything because I was so congested. Then the nurse messed up the IV on my right arm, so they had to switch to my left arm. All the while they've got a bunch of pulse/ heart rate/ blood pressure things hooked up to me. Between the lack of laughing gas and the excess of messing with my veins, those things were beeping like crazy (yeah, it was impossible to fain comfort). But as soon as the doctor came in, he cranked the IV waaay up. That's when things got interesting.

I looked down at my left arm and noticed it was made of ice. Then my head started floating towards the ceiling. On the ride home, I discussed the secrets of the universe with my dad - not realizing I had gauze in my mouth. Apparently I was just speaking gibberish. He told me to stop trying to talk, so I settled for doing disco moves in the passenger seat.

As soon as I got home, I yelled "I'm OK!" a bunch of times as I stumbled up the stairs. As my mom helped me into my bed, I mumbled something about the Chinese, then fell asleep. I woke up about 10 minutes later and noticed my lower lip was gone. I spent a couple of minutes trying to find where I had dropped it before falling asleep again. I dreamt I had worms inside of me.

Most of the stuff had worn off by around 1:00, but my mind wasn't really 100% until this morning. I kept repeating myself and bumping into things (side affects from hydrocordone). The cool thing is that little 5 MG pain killer knocks me out in exactly 8 minutes. Every time!

So for anyone worried about the surgery - don't be. The scary part isn't painful and the painful part isn't scary.

In fact, the entire procedure is wimp-proof.


Pichler said...

Laughing gas is a thing of pure beauty

Yes said...

You still trippin'?

Thane said...

Mine were taken out the day you posted this.