Monday, February 05, 2007


Although I don't consider my life to be incredibly exciting to those around me, 2007 has proved to be an amazing year so far.

-Planned a college visit with my mom for Harvey Mudd over spring break
-Bombed a final
-Snowboarded for the first time (as fun as it was painful)
-Filed my W-2 form
-Had my mindset completely changed by the book "The Tao of Pooh"
-Dropped Track and replaced it with Iaido / Rugby (maybe)
-Advanced to the All-State level for group mime (as did many a blogger in this little clique)
-Lost my miniature Buddha and my prized red converse shoes
-Rediscovered my love for Red Delicious Apples

And the beauty of it all is I finally realized I can live the life I seek without being super busy, over-scheduled, or under-rested. I concentrated on "saving time" in the fall, not realizing it is impossible to do so. I can't store little moments in a jar and enjoy them later. With so many appointments, assignments, deadlines and due dates, I found I couldn't be as mindful, calm, or caring as I would have liked. So to all of you whom I turned away from or overlooked in the last several months (especially you, Yes), I humbly apologize. Among my new year's resolutions, I'm adding "to quiet the mind".

And now I'm off to sleep very, very deeply.


Thomas Matysik said...

You lost the red converse? Disapointing.

Yes said...

I feel special

coconutkid said...

I'm so happy for you! And I'm glad that the Tao has given you as much inspiration as it has me.

You're fantastic, did you know that? I don't tell you enough.
Hope the laido lesson went well.
Please don't beat me up.

Amanda said...

I'll snag your Buddha the next time I see Murphy. Promise.

junebug said...

Amanda, I had no idea you read this blog!

Very cool. If you've got one too, just leave a link or url in the comments

Amanda said... We've missed you in US History the past few days... I met Hudson's fiance! She's a sweetie. And apparantly Hudson freaks out about the color of shirt he wears and whether his shoes match his belt on a daily basis. I have blackmail.