Saturday, May 22, 2004

I'm really evil. Really, really evil.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Well, I like the idea, Sane, but how long will it last?

Friday, May 14, 2004

That's it. I'm starting anew (ooh, good word). Turning over a new leaf if you will. From now on I shall try to update my blog every day, and ALWAYS every week. It is both sad and funny when someone else can post on my blog for a month and I don't even notice. I think to symbolize this new dedication, I should change my format. Whoo!

Sunday, May 09, 2004

well, this is Yes again, come to post in Sane's absence. "Why?" you might be asking. Well, because I feel like it. "Because thats mean!!" your all shouting now. Well tough noogies, because I'm posting.

Sunday, May 02, 2004

in sympathy of Sane, I give you....a counter!

Saturday, May 01, 2004

I went to the wedding of a family friend this afternoon. I think they really wanted us (my sister and I) at the rehersal dinner, so they gave us some part in the ceremony. We were the "guest book attendants". Now that I think about it, I think they just made that position up. Anyway, the wedding was as fun as it could be (dress+heels= Sane very uncomfortable). The reception was better. The DJ made sure everyone danced (boy, you should have seen those grandmas swing). I was kind of surprised when the waiter served me champange (I'm underaged by a long shot) but at least it gave me something to clink with when we toasted (even if it did have a weird after taste) All in all it was fun.

Friday, April 30, 2004

Well, after seeing the post on Toma's blog, I see that he is clearly in the wrong. MICSD? No no no, I just have some minor problems with corn and Georgia (the state, mind you). Now if you dont mind, I think you need a better place to go (subliminle advertising) because I know of this better place (subliminal advertising) that would suit your addiction of good, wholesome blogger entertainment, and you should really visit it! (subliminal advertising)

Thursday, April 29, 2004

BOO! HAHAHAHAHAH! Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Yeah, ok, I'm done.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

I don't know how this keeps happening. I do my homework everyday like a good little school girl, and yet every weekend my planner reveals at least four hours worth of homework just screaming "YOU IDIOT, HOW DID YOU NOT SEE THIS COMING!" Naturally I wait until Sunday afternoon to even open my planner, but that's besides the point (or is it the point?) Anyway, at dinner tonight my grandpa asked me in all seriousness when they started making orange m & m's. It took a lot of control to not giggle while saying "I think they've been around for a while now. At least since Halloween." He studied the tiny morsels for a little longer before replacing them in the bowl.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

I went to the sunrise service at my church today. It's a good thing I did, because it turned out I was supposed to be in it. The confermation class was in charge of the service that day, and I ended up having to speak at the pulpet. Thinking fast, I tried to repeat some words of wisdome I had heard on "90.5, Your station for worship" that very morning. It turned out okay. Long live improv!

I ate my chocolate bunny too fast (solid, not hollow) and spent the rest of the morning doubled over. I thought my mom was just being mom-ish when she told me I'd regret it. Curse my stubborness.

Saturday, April 10, 2004

JuneBug67831 [6:24 PM]: my favorite mac hall so far-
JuneBug67831 [6:24 PM]: main guy with green sunglasses looses it and makes a scarecrow to cover for him at work
ImOkWithThat44 [6:25 PM]: linky
JuneBug67831 [6:26 PM]: linky?
JuneBug67831 [6:26 PM]: that's his name?
ImOkWithThat44 [6:26 PM]: just give me a damn link!
JuneBug67831 [6:26 PM]: Mac Hall Comics
JuneBug67831 [6:27 PM]: hehe, I knew that
I'm (barely) alive! The last two weeks have been insane. On days I didn't have soccer practice for 2 hours, I had track. When I didn't have a track meet, I had a soccer game. Between algebra homwork and english projects, I have had almost no social life (this includes blogging). So here are some highlights.

-Spring break was awesome
-Got terrible google tan from skiing
-Finished long term english assignment on time (with 5 minutes to spare)
-Joined track team, had two meets. Jumped 12 feet at long jump last time.
-Not bad at distance running, painfully bad at 400m
-Played first three soccer games of spring season. Won 2, tied 1, lost 1/2 (we played really bad the first game)

So...yeah. There you have it. I'm sure lots of interesting little things have happened, but I'm to lazy to type them all here. Good day.

Oh and by the way, I apologize for Yes' anticts (although he really does have trouble counting).

Friday, April 02, 2004

and if your wondering, yes, it is still Yes. and remember mine is better!
I hate this stupid gray posting screen. It is strange and abnormal and overobsessive about preveiwing your post.

Monday, March 29, 2004

Oh, and if you want to see Sane ACTUALLY post something, go to unless 2.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

My family is taking a train to colorado for a few days of skiing. As excited as I am for this (we leave in 2 hours) I have a strange feeling that I'll be the one who:

1. gets stuck with top bunk on train, leaving me with an inch between my head and ceiling

2. forgets to pack something vital (ex. winter coat)

3. gets sick from train food

4. comes back home with a terrible goggle tan

Other than that, whoo hoo!

Saturday, March 20, 2004

I just spent ten minutes typing a well thought out post about my encounter with 50 mph wind on a bike, but when I tried to post it an error page came up and I lost my masterpiece. So, I apologize if this paragraph seems like a waste of your time (even though the bike one would have been a waste too, it would have been more amusing.)

Monday, March 15, 2004

I had dinner at Baker's Square tonight. The waitress asked what kind of toast I wanted. I said brown. She just walked away.I guess it was the end of her shift or something, because she obviously was not in a joking mood.

Needless to say, I didn't recieve toast with my pancakes.
I gave up ice cream for lent. Here's how I deal with it.

vanilla flavoring

All in a bowl with a spoon. Yum

Saturday, March 13, 2004

We had our first performance of the play last night. It went better than I thought it would. Nobody missed a cue, only a couple lines were flubbed, and our director only screamed 6 times.

On another note, it's amazing what you find funny when your tired.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Yes and Grove did a little tango after school today. They were rehersing a fight scene for the play, when they got a little to close. It's kinda hard to descibe, but it looked...amusing from the audience perspective.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

If everyone took time for pie, the world would be a better place.

Saturday, March 06, 2004

My gym teacher, Mr. Griffith, wore a speedo yesterday. That's all I'm saying for today.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

It was my sister's birthday yesterday. My family went to centros (chen-tros). It's a pretty nice resturant downtown. As I was scanning the menu, my eye caught "BBQ Chicken". It sounded pretty good, so I went ahead and ordered it. Our food arrived a half hour later. The waitress placed some pizza-like form of food in front of me. It looked like it might still be kicking. My mom saw my concern and told the waitress this wasn't what I ordered. The waitress responded with "you ordered the Swiss pizza, right?"

Friday, February 27, 2004

tomamama29 [11:25 PM]: well hey, we're all blubbering fools, but none of us want to admit it
JuneBug67831 [11:25 PM]: those that do are called stand up comidians
I had another futsol game tonight. It went pretty well. I played better than I have in long time. The only trouble is that now thjat my coach has seen what I can do, he'll always expect me to play at this level. Is there anyway to win at this game?

Thursday, February 26, 2004

random quote from sears: "I'd like everyone to wear a shirt next week"

(By the way, the stress level has been raised to no. 5-Vocal Violence)

Saturday, February 21, 2004

I had a fun night tonight. I also went to fun night. That's all I have to say.

Friday, February 20, 2004

I had a fun futsol* game tonight. It was rather confusing though. I thought I was playing left, but then it turned out I was playing up. Then my coach told me I was to far up for sweep, so I went back. Then the real sweeper asked me what the heck I was doing. I ended up playing somewhere in between. Then after the game my coach said I did a good job of switching fields (same as moving all around field).

Maybe I should switch to playing ping pong. Much simpilar positions.
*like indoor soccer. Played on basket ball court sized field made of hard rubber (like a track). Can't bounce off walls like in indoor soccer, and use a heavier ball. It's a fast game. hocky+soccer=futsol

Thursday, February 19, 2004

I think my neighbors (who live in the house behind mine) are having some kind of party tonight. When I got home from school, the dad had a two foot flame coming out of his grill. I think he was grilling yak (they're Russian).

In other news, my dog bit me again. I went to plop down on the couch after school and accidently landed on him. I also fabreezed his scent out of my room (he was offended), so as you can imagine we're not speaking to each other for now.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Play practice had a dramatic end today. Oh, it had nothing to do with the accual scripted performance. Two actresses (whom will remain anonymous untill things cool down) got in a bit of a...disagreement.

Actress A and Actress B were back stage. A snatched B's doodle off her lap. B was angered by this, and went into the prop room. B returned with a golf club in hand and hit A. B took 3 or 4 hits before other acters interfered. I'm not sure of the exact location of the blows, but I know one hit her in the head.

No one was hurt badly, but it will be interesting to see how this plays out. I don't know if B...or A for that matter* will keep their parts.

*Although A didn't hit anybody, B didn't hit her for fun.

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Apparently my dog went to the vet this morning before I woke up. I don't know what they did to him, but he sure is acting strange. He ran into my room this morning and tried to eat my covers (while I was still in bed), then he walked up to me and bit my arm. Then when I was eating breakfast he was just walking around the kitchen, going in a circle. He would randomly break into a run.

Friday, February 13, 2004

I don't know if this is what blogs are for, but oh well.

I have a confession
I was serving food at a shelture for church (that's not the bad part), and I got kinda hungry. I ate some of the dessert. Accually, I had 4 pieces of it. To make matter worse, we ran out of the cake before the line was through. There were 4 people left in line.

Saturday, February 07, 2004

This was such a strange day. I was harassed by three sixth grade boys, bowled my best game ever (120), saw the movie "Big Fish"(which just by itself is a very strange movie), and was proclamed to be Butt-man. Did I miss something here?

Friday, February 06, 2004

I forgot to mention the downside to the winter wonderland. Since we got out early on Thursday and Friday, play practice was canceled. Our director was "stressed" before, but now she's in "Panicked Position". I have provided the complete and unabrigded master list of stress ratings for the Sears (Beging with less stressed and moving to more stressed). There are as follows:

1.Stressed Sears
2.Nervous Nelly
3.Panicked Position
4.Frantic Form
5.Vocal Violence
6.Mental Meltdown
(At this point, if someone doesn't buy her a Royal Cola (RC) within one minute, chances of survival are minimal*)

*this applies to cast and crew as well as sears
We got out of school early the last two days on account of the snow. Tons of stuff has been canceled. I am personally enjoying the excuse to be a couch potato. Not to mention I am now immune to the common cold, while everyone else suffers : ) ( I had it for roughly a month). All I have to say is "Long Live The Flake*!"

*That's true on so many levels.

Friday, January 30, 2004

As the great Chinese military leader once said "We have woken a sleeping giant". This is war. (In case you have no idea what I'm talking about, see previous post)

Thursday, January 29, 2004

guess what, this isnt sane. No, I'm not saying that this is insane and mental, I'm saying this is Yes from this better blog. But hey, that doesnt mean she doesnt have a reliable blog (kinda reliable anyway). SO visit my blog and send me an e-mail just for kicks. Good day.

-Yes Maybe

Monday, January 26, 2004

Channel 8 advertisement "We bring you the news a day earlier!"

Hmmm. I have three questions- A. how do you know what's going to happen? B. how would you feel if a story was reported about you dying in some horrific accident? C. if you saw this report could you avoid the accident? Wow, my head hurts. Anyway, I have an ELP project to do tonight (ELP-Enlarged Leopard Print). It was assigned about a month ago. Did I mention I'm a member of procrastinators anonymous?

Sunday, January 25, 2004

My church is pointless. The serman just went around in circles, and went on way to long. My pastor read the same thing out the bible at least 5 times. Like by doing so he would somehow seem wiser, and make us seem dumber. Then confermation class was a complete fiasco! They made us sit in on the superintendent of Des Moines' speach on budget cuts in education. I mean, come on. A- It has nothing to do with religion B-I don't go to school in the Des Moines area C- Legislater is the one making the laws, not us D- WE CAN'T VOTE ANYWAY! excuse me, I'm getting carried away. Perhaps I should become a buhdist, and gain inner peace. Or just learn Yoga. Tough call

Saturday, January 24, 2004

I woke up this morning because my stomach was growling so loudly. It was the strangest feeling. Umm, yeah. That's all I have to say.

Friday, January 23, 2004

I haven't posted in a while. I wish I had some spectacular reason as to why. Like maybe I was in prison, or was sent on a secrete mission for the CIA. Or perhaps Blue Bunny hired me for my professional opinion on a new flavor of ice cream. The most realistic lie would be that I was recentley admitted to the witness protection program, and had to move across the country (seeing as I come from a real high crime suburbin life*). But the sad truth is, I'm just lazy.

*For those of you who are not experienced in the feild of humor, this is sarcasim

Saturday, January 17, 2004

My conformation class had to go to church today. There was a presbatery meeting of some sort. Anyway, at first we thought we were there to learn about how the church is governed and how the system worked. Wrong. The only reason we were there was to set up tables and chairs, serve food and drinks, and basically be everyones monkey (there were about 150 people there). Then I had dish dog duty for over an hour. By the time I was done, I had worked for five hours. My hands are burned from the dishwasher (Cue sad violin music). And what have I learned from all this? The church lies and forces child labor!

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Wow. A lot happened today. I took part II of the semester test in math. I could feel my confidence melt away as I relized the one thing I didn't understand had its own section. Somehow I managed to get some reasonable answers before the bell.
I had my audition for the play after school. I have no idea how it went. I said my lines (not in monotone I might add), so who knows. After that I went down the hall to the student phone. I was going to ride home with my friend Yes (my sister's car is in the shop...again) , and he was going to call his mom. As we were standing there, the pricipal was going into the office with this cart that had napkins, forks, and CHEESECAKE on it. She stopped and asked me if I wanted a piece. I just laughed. Then I relized she was serious. So Yes and I are just hanging out in the hall, eating chesecake. What luck!

By the way, Yes' blog is at (Sorry, i can't remember how to make a link)

Saturday, January 10, 2004

I fixed the clock on this blog. It said I last posted at 6:30am on a saturday. I don't know about you, but the idea of an 8th grader waking up before 8am on the weekend is just wrong.
I had the weirdest dream last night. It wasn't just weird for what happened, but the way it happened too. It was long though, so I'll just sum it up.

Jessica Cremers ran the 800
Visiting another family at
Futuristic apartment complex
Big boats with tiny paddles
Strange, computer animated lake
Dinner at the apart. complex
House went crazy, tried to kill us (like in that movie smart house, only more violent)
government agents were killing people on other floors.
there was a whole lot of blood
The CD from the house CD player shot out of it's compartment and got lodged in the other family's grandmothers head.

Sooo, yeah. This is a little look inside my head. Weird? Try being there when it makes sense. I might add that this was not a bad dream. Just a very strange one.

Thursday, January 08, 2004

I think I know who I want to be for the school play (which by the way is called "Makin' It"). The character's name is Libby. She is a usually quiet sort of person, who does real well in school. She starts tutoring this, and I quote the script, "hunky" jock. Of course, she has a crush on him and is too timid to say anything until the very end. It's seems like a good character for me to play, not a major, or a minor part.

Oh, by the way, Libby gets trashed and barfs in the parking lot (not in one of the scenes). I can't wait.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

On sunday, my fuzzy blue hat with earflaps fit over my head with extra room. On Monday, after school, I had to stretch it out in order for it to fit. Either my hat was swapped with one from the CIA with a camera hidden inside so as to spy on the activities on jounior high students, or I learned something at school (I shudder at the thought).

Oh yeah, and the play scripts hit the public today. I have no idea who I want to be