Monday, March 29, 2004

Oh, and if you want to see Sane ACTUALLY post something, go to unless 2.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

My family is taking a train to colorado for a few days of skiing. As excited as I am for this (we leave in 2 hours) I have a strange feeling that I'll be the one who:

1. gets stuck with top bunk on train, leaving me with an inch between my head and ceiling

2. forgets to pack something vital (ex. winter coat)

3. gets sick from train food

4. comes back home with a terrible goggle tan

Other than that, whoo hoo!

Saturday, March 20, 2004

I just spent ten minutes typing a well thought out post about my encounter with 50 mph wind on a bike, but when I tried to post it an error page came up and I lost my masterpiece. So, I apologize if this paragraph seems like a waste of your time (even though the bike one would have been a waste too, it would have been more amusing.)

Monday, March 15, 2004

I had dinner at Baker's Square tonight. The waitress asked what kind of toast I wanted. I said brown. She just walked away.I guess it was the end of her shift or something, because she obviously was not in a joking mood.

Needless to say, I didn't recieve toast with my pancakes.
I gave up ice cream for lent. Here's how I deal with it.

vanilla flavoring

All in a bowl with a spoon. Yum

Saturday, March 13, 2004

We had our first performance of the play last night. It went better than I thought it would. Nobody missed a cue, only a couple lines were flubbed, and our director only screamed 6 times.

On another note, it's amazing what you find funny when your tired.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Yes and Grove did a little tango after school today. They were rehersing a fight scene for the play, when they got a little to close. It's kinda hard to descibe, but it looked...amusing from the audience perspective.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

If everyone took time for pie, the world would be a better place.

Saturday, March 06, 2004

My gym teacher, Mr. Griffith, wore a speedo yesterday. That's all I'm saying for today.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

It was my sister's birthday yesterday. My family went to centros (chen-tros). It's a pretty nice resturant downtown. As I was scanning the menu, my eye caught "BBQ Chicken". It sounded pretty good, so I went ahead and ordered it. Our food arrived a half hour later. The waitress placed some pizza-like form of food in front of me. It looked like it might still be kicking. My mom saw my concern and told the waitress this wasn't what I ordered. The waitress responded with "you ordered the Swiss pizza, right?"