Thursday, November 23, 2006

"Happy Thanksgiving"

My family traveled to my grandparents' farm in Bluegrass, IA on Wednesday and returned home about an hour ago. As far as Thanksgivings go in our family, it was pretty subdued. Food was good, cousins were fun, and the weather was beautiful.

In fact, the only downer was getting thrown from a horse onto a gravel road.

This year, I'm especially thankful for not landing on my head : )

Monday, November 20, 2006

"18 hours, 55 minutes, 56 seconds until break"

But who's counting?

I found this ( online today and thought it was kinda neat. I'm don't think I have a future in this field, but graphic designs have always interested me.

I especially liked the bit about "Cadence of Seasons"

Sunday, November 19, 2006

"What's a Pink Elephant?"

Ah, nothing like a weird-ass weekend to get me geared up for the holidays. I did broaden some of my horizons, though. I saw Borat on Friday and I highly recommend it (definitely not one for the parents, though. Their little selves couldn't handle it). I also read a graphic novel, Persepolis. That's right Kyle, I read it and liked it. I picked the title from a list of books for a World Lit project. As usual, I procrastinated on this one and was looking for a quick read. Interesting story, though.

I think that's all for this post. I've been up for 36 of the past 38 hours, and I'm kinda pooped. If anybody has some crazy stories from this weekend / plans for Thanksgiving, feel free to post 'em in the comments.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

"The Christian force was composed mainly of Poles"

It's gonna be a late night for homework. Something about studying alone for a long period of time made these quotes from my history book extremely amusing.

"Each member had the power to close to conference, known as 'Exploding the Diet'. Famine Followed"

That reminds me of this little gem originally linked by Toma.

If you like 'em, be sure to post a comment on Toma's blog.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


So I was surfing the internet this afternoon when I smelled something. Something foul and disgusting. Something so rank I was afraid my eyelashes would fall off. Only one thing could create such a stench: A Dead Blog. That's right. I had been sitting only a foot or so away from the resting place my blog. Naturally I tried to clean it up and bury it, but the intangible object kept slipping out of the trash bag. In the end, I knew the only way to get rid of the smell was to bring it back to life.

And pick up the dog crap.

It's good to be back.