I went to the Valley improv show last night. In my opinion, it was as good as high school improv can be (at least, it was far better than anything I could do). This morning was really bizarre, though. I had to wear the tiger suit for a mascot race at WHAMM (Windsor heights annual...something something). I was up against Twinkie the Kid, Cy the Cyclone, Cubby the Bear (I-cubs), the Menace soccer ball, some mammal from State Farm Ins, and the parrot from the Buccaneers hockey team. Cy lost a shoe within 10 meters and I managed to elbow the state farm mammal. I thought I had the race in the bag, then that damned twinkie caught a second wind and edged me out at the end. Granted, he didn't have a 25 lb head to deal with, but that's no excuse. I'll be crying in the corner with a box of hostess cup cakes until further notice.