Friday, August 18, 2006

"What do you mean? I love kids. Can't get enough of the little bastards."

I needed volunteer hours for the silver cord award, but hadn't volunteered all summer. The IPTV booth at the fair features Clifford, so they needed people to wear the suit. This gave me the chance to earn a lot of hours very quickly. I signed up for 6 shifts, each lasting 4 hours. The job entails wearing the Clifford outfit, greeting children, and maintaining one's sanity...simultaneously.

I've complained enough already, so I'll just try to sum things up.

(2) hours of cross country training before commute
(45) minute drive to the fair grounds
(25) dollars spent on parking (would have been thirty, but I ran out of money on the last day and ended up parking a mile away)
(7) people sharing sweat in one suit
(9,600) children greeted during my shifts
(12) children who sneezed on me through the eye holes of the suit
(12) failed attempts at willing myself to die

Needless to say, I'm a little bitter towards the young ones right now. But at least I had (1) back rub that made everything better.


Pichler said...

You're determined, I'll give you that Mary.

junebug said...

yeah, I came pretty close on the 12th attempt

Yes said...

Glad I could help relieve a bit of the tension.

Thomas Matysik said...

I got to be a bastard greeted by Clifford!